Section 5 of the Introduction:

Does the content of this book harm people?

    Of course I asked myself if the content of this book could make people unhappy or even psychological ill. In fact what I am saying in this book is that I think that there is no supra-natural being who started our universe and who is looking upon us.
    Thus: no God at all.
    This may be scaring to some people. But I think that mankind should free itself from the idea that everything must have origin from some specific thinking from some being existing before the genesis of our universe. I will explain this point of view in other chapters and sections of this book, but what interest me now at the beginning of the writing is if it is dangerous for some people to get in touch with my ideas and views.
    Finally my goal is to make people happier with their life, not sorry.
    I just want that people take their own responsibility for all their actions and even thinking. God, even if he/she/it would exists, cannot interfere in our life!
    If he/she/it would do it, then he/she/it would have to take the responsibility for what happens, and thus could be put on trial for crimes against humanity.
    Being free from the idea of some powerful being to whom we should obey orders which have been delivered in some mysterious way to somebody and then re-interpreted by many others, put yourself in front of your responsibility for all decisions that you take.
    So I decided that it is my duty to explain my thinking: all readers are expected to be very critical with what I wrote and decide what to do with my ideas. I do expect that those who read this book know that it may change their view of our universe. Hopefully toward freedom, more consciousness and responsibility. And I wrote a WARNING at the very beginning!
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